How To Add Separators To A ComboBox(18:58, 01. Jun. 2011)

This article explains how to add separators to the list of a JComboBox.

JComboBox Separator Demo

Generally there are two different approaches - model dependent and model independent. First we want to take a look at the model independent solution.

Model independent solution

The basic idea is to create a special renderer which uses a JPanel as container, a JLabel for the text and a JSeparator at the bottom of the panel. An array which takes the index numbers for the separators is passed to the constructor of the renderer .

JComboBox combo = new JComboBox(new String[]{"Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 1-1", "Item 1-2", "Item 2-1"});
combo.setRenderer(new SeparatorRenderer(combo.getRenderer(), 2, 4));    
  // Renderer Class
  private static class SeparatorRenderer implements ListCellRenderer
    private ListCellRenderer delegate;
    private JPanel container;
    private JLabel label;
    private HashSet<Integer> separatorIndexes; 
    private boolean cellRendererSelectionBackgroundEnabled;
    private boolean isSelected;

    public SeparatorRenderer(ListCellRenderer delegate, Integer... separatorIndexes)
      this.delegate = delegate;
      this.separatorIndexes = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(separatorIndexes));
      cellRendererSelectionBackgroundEnabled = SyntheticaLookAndFeel.getBoolean("Synthetica.cellRenderer.selectionBackground.enabled", null, false);
      container = new JPanel();
      label = new JLabel()
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) 
          //required for special background rendering enabled themes like SyntheticaClassy
          if (cellRendererSelectionBackgroundEnabled && isSelected)
            String imagePath = SyntheticaLookAndFeel.getString("Synthetica.comboBox.listSelectionBackground", null);
            Insets sInsets = SyntheticaLookAndFeel.getInsets("Synthetica.comboBox.listSelectionBackground.insets", null, false);
            ImagePainter imagePainter = new ImagePainter(g, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), imagePath, sInsets, sInsets, ImagePainter.STRETCHED, ImagePainter.STRETCHED);
      container.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
      container.add(new JSeparator(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);

    public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus)
      JLabel c = (JLabel)delegate.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus);
      if (index >= 0 && separatorIndexes.contains(index))
        this.isSelected = isSelected;
        label.setOpaque(isSelected && !cellRendererSelectionBackgroundEnabled);
        return container;
      return c;

Because themes like SyntheticaClassy do some special background rendering for selected items, we have to override #paintComponent() of our custom renderer label and add related painting code - this is not needed for regular themes.

Model dependent solution

In the model dependent approach separator placeholders are part of the ComboBox model - we use the minus character in the demo application to represent separators. We also have to override #setSelectedItem() to make the separator unselectable. The renderer simply returns a JSeparator instance instead of the separator placeholder.

private static final String SEPARATOR_MARK = "-";
  JYComboBox combo = new JYComboBox()
    public void setSelectedItem(Object item)
      if (!SEPARATOR_MARK.equals(item.toString()))
  combo.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[]{"Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", SEPARATOR_MARK, "Item 1-1", "Item 1-2", SEPARATOR_MARK, "Item 2-1"}));
  final ListCellRenderer l = combo.getRenderer();
  combo.setRenderer(new ListCellRenderer()
    public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus)
      Component c = l.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus);
      if (index >= 0 && SEPARATOR_MARK.equals(value.toString()))
        return new JSeparator();
      return c;

This works fine except the fact that the key binding (up/down) doesn't work as expected. To solve the issue we have to create and install a separator aware UI-delegate. The base class (SyntheticaJYComboBoxUI) is part of our SyntheticaAddons package.

comboBox.setUI(new SeparatorComboBoxUI());
  //Separator aware UI-delegate class
  private static class SeparatorComboBoxUI extends SyntheticaJYComboBoxUI 
    protected void selectNextPossibleValue()
      int i = comboBox.getSelectedIndex();
      if (i < comboBox.getModel().getSize()-1)
        if (SEPARATOR_MARK.equals(comboBox.getItemAt(i+1)))

    protected void selectPreviousPossibleValue()
      int i = comboBox.getSelectedIndex();
      if (i > 0)
        if (SEPARATOR_MARK.equals(comboBox.getItemAt(i-1)))

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